Calculating costs for care arranged on behalf of fully-funding adults by ESCC.

Set up costs for adults who fully fund care arranged by ESCC

Supply Management Team costs

Number of care packages purchased (last 60 days)


Average care packages purchased per day









Daily Salary of Senior Broker Staff (2)


Daily Salary of Broker


Daily Salaries of Management Staff (1 * Supply Manager / 1 * Brokerage Manager)


Total Community Team Salary Costs (per day)









Average cost of purchasing 1 care package (team cost / average packages per day)


Service Agreement Team costs

Service Agreement Assistant (SAA) - Annual cost


Service Agreement Assistant (SAA) - Hourly cost


Service Agreement Officer (SAO) - Annual cost


Service Agreement Officer (SAO) - Hourly cost









SAA cost per package of care (estimated at 15 mins)


SAO cost per package of care (estimated at 15 mins)


Total Service Agreement Team staff cost to set up package of care (30 mins) 


Total staffing cost to set up package of care (SMT cost + SAT cost)



Invoicing costs for adults who fully fund care arranged by ESCC

Staffing Costs (incl. overheads)


Accounts Receivable Team


Total Staffing Costs




Non-Staffing Costs


Printing and Postage Costs


Address Trace


Payment Transaction Charges


Direct Debit File Charges


Total Non Staffing Costs




Corporate Overheads




Total Costs


Annual Invoice Volume (taken from ContrOCC)


Cost per invoice (total costs / number of invoices)
